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How Traceability can help you take Better Decision

As the complexity of products is increasing, the pressure of taking the quick decision concerning project management has also increased- whether its meeting deadlines or organizing data and tasks.

Today, the success or failure of a product development team lies on many decisions they take throughout the project management development cycle. These decisions are influenced by many factors like customer feedback, meeting deadlines and regulatory standards, and satisfying the end-user with a quality product.

With increasing product complexity, the number of decision making points is growing; making it difficult for teams to weigh all options and trace the impact.

In this article, we will share how Traceability tools can relieve you from decision making pressure and help you and your team take quick and accurate decisions.

Benefits of adapting Traceability tools


Though the concept of Traceability is well known to both the development team and stakeholders. Traceability has evolved to keep up with the agile transformation, complexities and time-sensitive product development process.

Relying on manual traceability platforms in project management can lead to human errors and gaps in requirements. Therefore it is important to use automated traceability tools to capture all the requirements and changes and focus on the bigger picture of product development.

Traceability tools can benefit you in the following ways-

Saves Time


Complex projects involve multiple stakeholders. Depending on the Emails and spreadsheets to update and receive input on key changes or milestones can be time-consuming.

Also, getting multiple parties to sign-up for a plan or changes can be time-consuming. Using automated Traceability tools can help you minimize the effort and save time.

These Traceability tools connect all data and requirements in a centralized system. Thus, enabling anyone from your team, including key stakeholders to understand the ongoing work, or trace the progress. It also helps in speeding up the review cycle.

Real-time Updates


Having access to the requirements and its related task is essential to ensure that the development team has not deviated from the original goal.

Instead of waiting for progress reports or the project to end in decision making in management , the Traceability tool lets you view the progress of a task or the entire project at any phase. Looking upstream from a requirement or test case or design to see why the other task or test cases exist. This method provides valuable context ahead of any decision making process.

Clarity on Impact Analysis


Running on instincts can work for small projects. But if you’re constantly making tough calls without solid data, there’s a high probability of hitting problems. One tweak to a requirement may cause ripple effects that can impact the product unintentionally.

Traceability tools give visibility to how requirements are interlinked, how people are connected to and impacted by changes.

For example, when a test case fails, not only is it possible to identify the impacted requirements or task, but notify the affected parties. Thus, backing you up with strong data. Traceability tools help you make informed decisions swiftly.

To conclude, the usage of a comprehensive Traceability tool is becoming essential for industries and teams who value creating better products in the fewer development cycles and with minimum errors.

Links Explorer Traceability & Hierarchy is one such traceability tool available in Jira. Its unique feature displays the requirements and its related tasks or subtasks along with the link type, status and priority all in a unified tree format.

Links Explorer connects all the requirements, test cases or bugs and lets you visualize the full development process from a single window. Thus, assist you in making informed decisions faster.

For more information on Links Explorer Traceability & Hierarchy, the #1 user rated traceability app for Jira, visit

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